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How You Can Park Easier and Monetize Your Vacant Spots With Roker

By November 12, 2021Blog

Nowadays, digital peer-to-peer services such as AirBnB and Uber have become widely popular and stand as key players in what is commonly referred to as the “sharing economy.” You can rent out your home or your car using a business model in a two-sided marketplace that connects users to make a transaction. At Roker, we provide something similar, except with parking. Our app allows individuals with vacant parking assets to rent out their driveways or spots to the public, creating a great opportunity to earn passive income. 

The Roker app – a mobile contract. 

While many individuals and organizations rent out their vacant driveways or spaces through a verbal agreement, this can sometimes get complicated. Fortunately, Roker’s app delivers a simple and safe platform to list a parking spot, collect payment, and communicate with potential renters. Not only does this offer local businesses, merchants, and individuals with parking assets to securely rent their vacant spaces, it’s also another revenue stream. Roker’s all-inclusive digital platform is a secure system with integrated payment features that are functional on any type of smartphone, which broadens its reach to businesses across various cities. 

Advantages for the parking asset owners 

One of the major advantages of living in a metropolitan city is the convenience of walking or using public transit. For most people, this means that they don’t need a car to get around. In NYC alone, less than 50% of the population owns a car. However, for those who are commuting from out of town, a parking space is a must. On the flip side, if you’re living in a major city, odds are you have a vacant parking space that can be rented out. In Toronto, a parking spot on average can be rented for around $150 per month. Fortunately, the Roker app can connect local businesses and merchants to nearby drivers in need of parking or introduce drivers to available spots for rent. With Roker, parking asset owners can easily set a price, find and accept parkers, and receive payment all in one place. It’s also a completely remote transaction process and eliminates the need to meet in person.

Advantages for the driver

The Roker app offers numerous private parking spots all across the city. Drivers can avoid parking in a crowded lot, find more affordable options, and travel directly to their pre-booked spot without any hassle. This benefits the driver as they can rest assured that their car will not be ticketed or towed, while enabling easy transfer of payment through the app. For example, if a family is driving into the city to watch a sports game, arrives at the facility and realizes that there are no parking spaces available, they can simply refer to the Roker app. The same-day booking feature not only adds convenience, but also offers a more affordable parking alternative compared to other resources around the city.

Peer-to-peer services have gained immense popularity in a short period of time. They continue to play a role in transforming our society into a mutually-beneficial system that allows individuals to save money, earn passive income, and enjoy freedom and flexibility. At Roker, we allow users to monetize their parking assets, while effectively streamlining the administrative process that comes with renting them out. 

Whether you’re interested in renting out your vacant parking space or are a driver who is actively looking to rent a spot, we encourage you to try the Roker app today! Contact us here to learn more. 

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