Better Parking
Experience Starts With

Smart Permits

Existing permit systems for parking management across major cities are mostly antiquated, with many civic bodies still using physical permits. To match up to the pace of technology growth, and truly become a Smart Urban Space, civic authorities, real-estates, and institutions need to adopt a smarter permit management system, incorporated into their parking and enforcement programs.

Transition To Smart Permitting Starts With Roker PLUS

Roker PLUS is the industry’s leading mobile-first platform enabling the complete digitization of permit management for parking. The platform and its mobile application ease the raising of permit requests, documentations, permit management, and approvals, bringing the complete cycle of parking permits under one system – The Roker PLUS Permit Management Module.

The Roker PLUS Permit Management Module

The module is a comprehensive solution to design, manage and administer almost all permit category requirements. Permit management provides the flexibility to define pricing, payments, policies, documentation, and design at an individual permit level to manage almost any complex permit operational needs.

Functional Scope That Differentiate The Module

  • Setup and manage various parking and non-parking permits (any other permit such as a locker) with their operations, pricing, cancellation, and refund, etc.
  • Setup and manage permits at zone, location, or even at a facility level
  • Associate different documentation and approvals for permits
  • Permit approval workflow for the administration team
  • User portal for permit request and management
  • Administration helpdesk feature for permit creation and allocation
  • Different modes of accepting and collecting payments from the system

Varied Permits That Are Processed Under Permit Management

Virtual mid-term or long-term permits

Daily permits – digitally generated

Automated parking permits based on complete validation with seller’s requirements

Permit Management – Exploring The User Roles

Online Permit Application/Purchase/Payments

  • Permit Application – A user can apply for a parking permit, and approval will be based on an administrator-defined verification workflow.
  • Permit Purchase – Parking permits can be purchased via a user portal or an administrative portal.
  • Payment for Permit – Payment options for end-users are customizable as desired by the admin/user.
  • Automated Permit Pricing – Admin/authorities can automatically adjust permit price, refund, and duration to match the market trends.

Issue/Tracking/Managing Of Permits By Admin

  • Automated Issue of a Permit – Subject to validation on various checklist criteria that can be defined by the administrator.
  • Permit Sorting & Tracking – Available under the Permits tab on the application dashboard allowing sorting by dates, status, locations, approvals, etc.
  • Permit Review – Admin can review any permit to check for the documents submission and applicant details.

Schedule A Demo

Adopt Seamless Permit Management With Roker PLUS